Berkeley’s 总体规划 Realized Through the Generosity of Many

The Dedication 和 Consecration of the Berkeley Chapel on April 15, 2023年正式完工 棋牌游戏大全 总体规划. The Berkeley Chapel is the final building of a phased plan that was to take 20 years to complete 和 entirely transform the campus. 学校进行了两次资本活动, 以上 & Beyond: The Campaign for 棋牌游戏大全 和 棋牌游戏平台现在,棋牌游戏平台永远, with two major goals – to alter the campus learning environment 和 to bolster the school’s endowment. 
The 总体规划 was completed seven years ahead of schedule 和 the campaigns achieved the two goals of bringing world-class facilities to Berkeley while successfully increasing the school’s endowment. 总体规划通过后, Berkeley has improved thoroughfares with an additional entrance 和 new road through campus, 新建六栋建筑, 翻新的现有空间, 和 added significantly to the school’s endowment. Berkeley added the Straz Family Field House in 2012, 2013年的棋牌游戏平台咖啡馆, the Gries Center for the 艺术 和 Sciences in 2015, the Seivold Center for Early Childhood Education in 2018, the Forsyth Center for Elementary Education in 2022, 和 the Berkeley Chapel in 2023 for a total of nearly 200,000 new square feet of state-of-the-art space. Dickey Field 和 Bisk-Turkel Field (in Newman Stadium) were updated in 2018 和 2022 respectively.
The lead gift for the campaign was $10 million 和 Berkeley received 30 gifts of $1 million or more to the campaigns. 在总, the school’s leadership raised over $95 million while adding nearly $20 million to the school’s endowment. The dream of transforming Berkeley’s campus was fulfilled by hundreds of believers in Berkeley’s mission 和 impact, 包括帕特里夏和霍华德·詹金斯, 鲍勃葛瑞斯, Ami Patel Pagidipati ’02 和 Sidd Pagidipati, 妮可和丹·道尔, Jr.罗兹和老丹·多伊尔.凯瑟琳和小大卫·斯特拉兹., 弗朗西斯卡和理查德·福赛斯, 考特尼和杰森·库恩, 苏茜库恩, 艾莉森·卡斯珀·亚当斯87年和罗比·亚当斯, 泰特和布莱克·卡斯珀, 香农和布鲁斯·卢卡斯, 艾莉森·比斯克·特克尔和布莱恩·特克尔, 金伯利和乔什·拉德马赫, Sneha和Vik Patel, 苏珊娜和保罗·加波斯, 马修·布雷和苏茜·布雷, Lori和Mike Kosloske, 丽兹和维克多·帕特里克, 迈拉和迈克·多伊尔, 玛丽·安和马蒂·沙菲, 玛莎和斯蒂芬·迪基, 佩吉和鲍勃·罗斯曼, Jean和Ian MacKechnie, 凯西和斯科特·芬克, 比利·威廉姆斯三世, 和 several donors who wish to remain anonymous.
Many others were inspired to make equally meaningful gifts to Berkeley’s endowment including A. 杰拉尔德潜水员, Masumi Ishimine和Brian Prince, Sareet Majumdar ' 81和Rajjina Majumdar, 还有其他匿名捐赠者.
成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys 和 girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.